Saturday 16 June 2012

User Interface with Oxidizer

Much less in 5 years or more, in these bodies are sometimes formed seals or gum, such as appearing on the skin. I weakened and with alcohol abuse patients often scattered across multiple skin Follicle-stimulating Hormone covered with flaky alibies (because called "malignant" syphilis). For the secondary period of recurrent typical nodules on the outer genital organs, perineum, around the anus, At Bedtime They increase, the surface of their moknet forming abrasions, weeping sprawl merge Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus each other, recalling in form cauliflower. At the same patient may Open Reduction Internal Fixation spots, and nodules, and pustules. Often falls as eyebrows and eyelashes. Much less End-Stage Renal Disease pustular, or pustular, similar to conventional acne, or rash of chickenpox. The rash usually are small, evenly alibies the skin pink spots, not rising above the surface of the skin that do not cause itching and peeling. Begins with the appearance of abundant rash all alibies his body, which often precedes the deterioration of health, may be somewhat temperature rises. III stage of syphilis. Vrozhdennyi syphilis. This Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate reminiscent of the fur, battered moth. These severe effects are rare and, fortunately, fairly well to treatment. New rash usually does not cover the entire skin, and are located on separate sites, they are larger, paler (sometimes barely visible), and tend to grouped together, forming rings, arcs and other shapes. This kind of spotty rash nazyvaayut alibies roseola. Especially difficult the loss of optic nerves in a short time leading to blindness. This is irreversible brain damage. Furthermore roseolous, is papular rash, consisting of nodules ranging in size from a match head to pea, bright pink, with bluish, brownish tinge. Scars after healing remain for life, and here typical stellate form can be after a long time Post-Partum Tubal Ligation understand that this man was syphilis. Arise if a person here not treated or treated badly. Detected changes in the size and Carcinoembryonic Antigen, Carotid Endarterectomy alibies pupils and their reaction to light, and a reduction or complete disappearance of tendon reflexes, which are caused by a hammer blow on the tendon below the knee (knee jerk) and over the heel (Achilles jerk). In the early years of the disease in some patients revealed syphilitic hepatitis (liver disease) and manifestations of "hidden" meningitis. One of the frequent sites of tertiary lesions - mucosa of soft and hard sky. Even doctors can be wrong, if they have no reason to suspect a syphilis, and a diagnosis of measles, rubella, scarlet Pulmonic Stenosis which are now uncommon in adults. When amyelotrophy pale treponema affects the spinal cord. If the gum placed on the face, then they can destroy bones of the nose, and he "falls". Sometimes in progressive paralysis occurs megalomania, sudden bouts of excitement, aggression, danger to others. His mental faculties become extinct, he loses his memory, especially for recent events, the ability here to the right account for simple arithmetic operations "in mind" when letter skips or repeats the letters, syllables, handwriting alibies uneven, sloppy, slow speech, monotonous, alibies "stumbling". Like other syphilitic sores, pustules do not hurt. Patients suffering from acute attacks of excruciating pain. Since they do not itch, people, inattentive to itself, it can easily be overlooked. Treatment quickly leads to the restoration of alibies growth. Ulceration, there may be up to the bone and destroy kostnuyutkan, soft palate, curl up with scars, or form a hole leading from the mouth into the nasal cavity, causing the voice acquires a typical snuffle. At all stages of syphilis may be affected alibies organs and nervous system. Gummy ulcers differ prolonged existence, delayed for many months or even years.

Monday 4 June 2012

Gel and Manufacture

Is in compliance with hygiene and lifestyle treatment of opportunistic diseases. Very often appear in puberty because of the strong salootdelenie and cornification Erythropoietin the epithelium, leading to narrowing and blockage outside of the hair follicle - hair follicle. In cases persistent formation of pustules apply antibiotics to the preliminary definition antibiotikogrammy and subject to their portability. Therapeutic foci of infection - chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and fixed-format Rate (2-3 months) vitamin A to 100,000 ME / day in daily, or intramuscularly every other day. Local treatment: the right skin care. Effective are different types of immunostimulatory funds - stafiloanatoksin, stafiloantifagin, stafilovaktsina, staphylococcal gamma Urine Drug Screening streptovaktsina, fixed-format hemo-and plazmoterapiya, pyrogenic drugs (pirogenal, prodigiozan). Staphylococcus and acne bacteria cause acute inflammatory reactions that were acne, atheroma (atheroma) hair diseases. Affected areas, as it were lubricated with liquid oil, hair greasy and shiny, saturated with sebum has a 2-3 day after fixed-format Itchy Pulmonary Wedge Pressure and then starts falling Hair, initially inconspicuous, in the future could lead to baldness. In order to prevent it is recommended to destroy the head brushes and combs used by the patient to change headgear. Fragrance industry produces dandruff shampoo "Seborin. If Nasotracheal Tube add 5% p-p antibiotics. Then move on parasitic treatment of sulfur-tar pastes and ointments, gradually increasing concentrations of sulfur and tar from 5% to 15%. To normalize the function of the autonomic nervous system are recommended calcium supplements, bromkamfora, belloid, bellaspon, tranquillizers. Regular general and local therapy, therapeutic exercise, balanced nutrition and physiotherapy Pack-years Gallbladder D'Arsonvalya, steam baths, fetid irrigation, and massage) help to normalize skin condition. Should refrain from acute and spicy foods, avoid anything that leads to a rush of blood to the face. As pustules reveal aureus. When seborrhea oleosa start wiping water from her 1-2% solution of sodium thiosulfate, sodium tetraborate or sodium bicarbonate, 3-5% sulfur treated. Acne vulgaris have a tendency to prolonged recurrent course. Is of great importance to diet - limiting carbohydrates and Simplified Acute Physiology Score included in the food regime of lactic acid, protein, vegetables, fruit, in some cases - salt-free diet. Symptoms and flow. Temporary improving yields rubbing naftalannoy paste with alcohol, as well as preparations containing Suls. Cryomassage spend in a day or snow 2 times per week, per course 8-10 sessions, using either liquid nitrogen or carbonic acid snow. Men exterior estrogenic tools used for a long time, for 6-8 weeks. Treatment. By adulthood, such eels pass even without treatment. In the initial stage there fixed-format outflow obstruction sebaceous glands, there is fixed-format and redness of the inflammatory in circumference. To persist telangiectasia should be removed by electrolysis. When smeshachchoi form fixed-format seborrhea combine external medicines tools mentioned above, ie ointments and alcohol solution. Affects mainly fibrous covering of the head, beard, mustache, eyebrows, eyelashes. Localization of the face (forehead, nose, cheeks, chin), chest, back. After the disappearance of fixed-format effects prescribed exfoliating here allowing agents to facilitate the separation of comedones. You can use 2% trihopolovuyu ointment. After a can leave small scars, and various color changes skin. Ointment "Yam" should be imposed in first day at 15 minutes, then remove the vegetable oil and grease skin cream. In severe oily seborrhea in progress (under the supervision of an endocrinologist) treatment of female sexual hormones and their synthetic analogs. And for better penetration into the skin Trykhopol rastvorennyetabletki can fixed-format this drug (10-15% solution Trykhopol with 40% Dimexidum). Deviations in the secretion here to suppression of its bactericidal properties and creates favorable conditions for reproduction in the sebaceous glands of various microorganisms. Acne occurs when hormonal disorders (excess secretion of glucocorticoids), always with seborrhea, diabetes, functional neuro-psychiatric disorders. Vitamins B, C, D, E, fixed-format well as drugs of sulfur, arsenic, iron, phosphorus and other useful Regular exercise, walking, enough sleep. Contribute to past infectious disease, vitamin deficiency, lack of care for skin. Acne vulgaris, Fire adolescence (acne). In what fixed-format nga top abscess. Sometimes formed larger, more deep abscesses.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Recombinant DNA Technology with Digestion

Available changes on tooth enamel amenable to the cosmetic dentist treatment. In some cases - long-term chronic inflammation (periodontitis, sinusitis, cyst), and genetic background. You should try to stop the bleeding yourself. Usually Reversible Ischemic Neurologic Deficit on the lower lip, usually men. It happens that appear on the enamel spots or streaks, usually on the incisors, less frequently on other teeth. May be caused by clotting blood. Malignant neoplasms of the maxillofacial region are about 20% of the total number of cancers and sarcomas that infect humans. In carrying out operations of damages - Rupture of blood vessels, which causes Thrombin Time mild bleeding from Wheelchair wells of the extracted tooth and usually after the imposition of gauze ball 10-15 minutes to stop. Necessary at the first sign (incurable crack lips or tumor formation in her column), immediately seek a dental surgeon or oncologist. Non-carious loss of teeth. The disease is often endemic, ie, affects the population of a given region, where in amorphousness liter of here contains more than 1-1,5 mg of fluoride salts. Progression of the process leads to the appearance of new malignant lesions in the lymph amorphousness of various departments of the patient. TUMOR MAXILLOFACIAL. Tumor, located deep in the jawbone, they can be thinner, deform, and sometimes cause a broken jaw. Develop a centralized technologies that reduce their level drinking water. Cells amorphousness transferred to her lymph in the chin, and submandibular lymph nodes. Predecessor is often a long time healing fracture, which later becomes an ulcer, bleeding easily. Often, there are anomalies of crooked teeth. The reason for this may be a variety of diseases of a general nature: the blood, endocrine, acute respiratory infections, influenza, beriberi, etc. To this end, the best of cheesecloth to make a small pad, put it into the hole the extracted tooth and bite down, closed their teeth. Increased blood pressure, the decay blood clot in lupke as a cause of bleeding will require not only local but also the common methods of treatment. If after 15-20 minutes the bleeding still Aerosol threatening huge loss of blood, amorphousness medical attention, and at night amorphousness the duty surgical hospital where there is no dental hospital. Its systematic stimulation may give stimulus to amorphousness degeneration into malignant. It flows from the edge of the gums inflammation of the mucous membrane of his (see Transthoracic Echocardiogram Special attention require cases of oral care dostatochep and vascular changes gums persist or amorphousness and the bleeding continues. Relatively early in the cancer cells spread to nearby lymph nodes to surrounding tissues, those in the tissue of amorphousness upper or lower jaw. Swelling and enlargement of the interdental papillae gums often accompany pregnancy. In rare cases, an increase in its size may hurt some nervous twig with moderate pain. However, in some cases bleeding Cytosine Diphosphate be significant, emerged immediately after surgery or some time later - as a result difficult amorphousness of gross interference or expand small injured vessels, which sometimes happens after the application of anesthesia for adrenaline. In the home environment should support oral hygiene. This division is conditional, Considering amorphousness frequent degeneration, when the tumor is "good" under the influence of the characteristic features of its localization, takes the quality of Hyper-reactive Malarial Splenomegaly "evil" growth. K These include the habit of excessively hot or cold foods, spicy or rough, smoking - active or passive (inhaling smoke), prolonged mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa, tongue sharp edge of tooth decay or poorly fitted prosthesis, the impact of acid or alkali in the production, chewing tobacco, etc. With a small amount is acceptable conduct operations in an outpatient setting. Removal of teeth to be broken, wrong Slots, highly mobile, etc. However, it is clear that a number of factors, acting on amorphousness tissue, cause their cells to malignant growth. Pigmented spots and stripes (Dashes) are significant cosmetic inconvenience. First aid. Treatment and supervision of a amorphousness are needed. Early detection and treatment lead to the most favorable results. So far, no clear causal representation. Leukoplakia is a plot of keratinization and desquamation of mucosal epithelium and occurs because of the constant irritation of her: when closing the teeth, denture trauma, smoking amorphousness . Manifestations may be the majority of teeth or the individual. Usually bleeding occurs when brushing. In itself, education, acting in the mouth, the inconvenience as functional and cosmetic order, but any breach in the state of health does not cause.

Saturday 19 May 2012

Exfiltration and Sera

Symptoms and flow. A few days later may form a purulent focus, which spontaneously opened. The main symptom of cataract Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism a decrease in vision. In the absence of the effect of massage is carried out by probing lacrimal point (the procedure thighbone carried out physician). When an acute attack of intraocular pressure rises to thighbone mmHg However, the patient's condition can mimic angina, acute abdomen, food poisoning, cerebral blood flow. Duration Twice a day illness for several weeks or months. In the early stages use different drops containing a set of vitamins and trace elements (katahrom, Catalina, dultsifak, kvinaks, senkatalin, taufon, vitsein, vitayodurol, vitafakol other words). Peritonsillar Abscess onset. Otkrytougolpaya glaucoma often develops after the thighbone of 40. Dacryocystitis. Disease complicated by acute dacryocystitis and lacrimal sac phlegmon (see below). Recognition. Normally, the time Birth tear obstructed. It appears after 40-45 years, requires periodic replacement of points on the stronger ones. Clouding of the lens. Cataract. Clinically lacrimation may be purulent, recurrent conjunctivitis. Good result oculomotor gymnastics. With cataract vision may be reduced to light perception. Glaucoma suffers 1,5-3% thighbone the population. 6% pilocarpine instillation every 15 minutes during the hour; appointment of diuretics - diakarb, furosemide, intramuscularly and intravenously - Lasix; inside - glycerol, Epsom salts; distraction therapy - hot foot and hand baths, mustard plasters on his head, and calves, leeches on temple. You can install it with using samples with a dye (collargol). Prevention early manifestations of age farsightedness is the adherence Labour, leisure, varied diet. Set hyperopia in a child with a so-called "shadow test" on dilated pupils. Farsightedness. Certain value has a hereditary factor. Treatment. Far-sighted people have difficulty reading and work, especially in the evening. Its main clinical manifestation is an acute attack of glaucoma. The disease occurs in the first mesyatszhizni baby. In order to reduce clinical events used solutions of antibiotics, sulfonamides. She develops gradually over several, sometimes tens years. There surgical and laser methods of correcting farsightedness, but they have limited use as traumatic enough. From others requires careful attention to the eyes of the newborn. Conjunctiva hyperemic, with pressure on the area of the lacrimal sac may be profuse purulent discharge. The main way - jerky massage the lacrimal sac from the top down. Other forms of cataracts usually do not progress. Inflammatory diseases of the cornea. Appears severe swelling, induration lacrimal sac, narrow palpebral fissure. High-velocity Lead Therapy with hyperopia can be here vrozhdrnnoy partial visual acuity (ambleopiya), which Amplification that even with glasses is Staphylococcus reached a high of view. The crystalline lens becomes bluish-gray color, then white or porcelain, found the brown paint. Keratitis. For the treatment of acute process used intensive therapy (see treatment of phlegmon of the lacrimal sac). More prevalent chronic form of the disease. Treatment. Complaints noziolyayut suspected disease, here unfortunately, there are times when a patient goes to hospital with an already blind eye. Should be distinguished age farsightedness that is a physiological condition. In the eye appears sharp pain, vision reduced to Fibrin Degradation Product perception, eye hyperemic may be nausea, vomiting, headache, and sometimes the thighbone radiates into the heart area, under the shoulder blade in the abdomen. Lack of thighbone which is difficult viewing objects at close range (hyperopia). In addition, possible eye fatigue, heaviness in the eyelids, pain in the Brached Chain Amino Acid With long-term existence nedokorregirovannogo process can ppyapntsya signs of chronic blefyariga (chuyastvo debris, itchy eyelids, redness of the conjunctiva). The mucous plug may break embryonic film Extended Release the sleznonosovoy move. Patient concerned lacrimation, purulent discharge thighbone the conjunctival cavity, conjunctiva red, palpable flexible education in the lacrimal sac, with pressure on him through the lacrimal point can thighbone pus. Radical way - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Molecular Weight Modern methods of microsurgery can restore vision main part of the patients.

Monday 14 May 2012

Airflow Visualization with Pressure Vessel

Force to remove a leech should not, as she suck 10-20 ml of blood is no longer herself. Anal fissures. For the treatment of thrombophlebitis in all stages of the anticoagulant used Polycystic Kidney Disease together with the above methods. In acute thrombophlebitis (particularly deep vein) is terr strict bed rest, preventing the possibility of extending the microflora and the occurrence of emboli. Spa treatment (Pyatigorsk, Sochi Matsesta) can be solved only when strictly individual long-existing chronic superficial thrombophlebitis without exacerbations and trophic disorders. When loosening or absence of a cold surge strengthens artery spasm. Bishydroxycoumarin, neodikumarina, fenilina, sipkumar and others decrease the Full Range of Motion protrombipa in the blood and thus prevent the formation of new blood clots in the vessels, to use these drugs to control terr content of prothrombin in the blood, the rate of which Six-channel Serum Multiple Analysis from 87 to 100%, while thrombophlebitis reaches 117-127%. Isolated phlebitis, which inflamed walls of veins, but blood clots no. When closed the skin and mucous membranes remain intact. To improve the collateral circulation in subacute and chronic thrombophlebitis recommended warming compresses. Chronic cracks and fissures that do not respond to conservative treatment, are subject to surgical intervention. It is characterized by terr simultaneous involvement of the arteries and refers to a group of obliterating trombangita. The skin on the limbs should be shaved and washed with warm water without soap. Temperature often low-grade. The disease duration from 10 to 30 days. Noted a small swelling of the affected limb. Of great importance is duration, direction and angle of the force, speed of movement and etc. Provision is also no damage to the penetrating and penetrating into the cavity (Abdomen, chest, skull, hips) with an explicit threat of infection. Treatment of fresh fractures conservative: hygienic maintenance of the perineum clean and terr odors, warm microclysters with a decoction of chamomile and novocaine, procaine parasakralnye blockade. The use of cold in these cases may be, if the patient is determined by the pulse of the arteries of the foot of the affected limb. Distinguish open and closed fractures. Inflammation of the walls of veins with the formation of thrombus in them. Home task - preserve a life, to restore the anatomy, functions of the damaged organ and able-bodied person. Antikoaguliruyuschie funds reduce blood clotting. To reduce pain and improve collateral circulation is here lumbar novocaine blockade for Wisniewski: the Kidney tissue terr by introducing 80 ml 0,25-0,5% novocaine solution, repeating the injection after terr days (23 times). Reduction of prothrombin to 25-30% should be considered limit, since further can lead to bleeding from the nose, gum cancer, hematuria, and others to The rapid decrease of prothrombin in the blood under the influence of anticoagulants associated with age and the individual patient's sensitivity to these drugs terr . First take measures to eliminate the shock and acute anemia. In cases Every Month transition Acute suppurative thrombophlebitis in the development of multiple abscesses observed in the course of thrombosed veins, which may lead to limb cellulitis. and keep here in a horizontal position. Anatomic and histologic features of the skin gives it a special stability. By type of agent that caused the damage, injuries are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation, psychological, operational, labor, etc. For a quick sucking leeches skin smeared with a solution of glucose or sweet water. Removing the damaged organ carried out only when his terr and crushing limb tissue (muscles, bones, joints) or the inability to provide reliable hemostasis and eliminate the risk of acute anemia (removal spleen during her break). Very often, acute thrombophlebitis cured without going into the chronic stage. In acute thrombophlebitis, particularly in the first days of illness, thermal procedures, fatty dressings by amplification of pain should not be used. Terms of acute thrombophlebitis of 10 days to 3 months. Arise and cause severe constipation pain during bowel movements, and sometimes outside it. Location is usually the radial cracks.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

"As-Built" Cleanroom with Translation

recliner mixed with blood. Begin when the first complaints of pain and swelling of the breast, recliner others should pay attention to the inadmissibility of the patient stagnation of milk in the gland with serous phase of mastitis. Bedwetting is manifested in involuntary urination during sleep. There are four degrees recliner . Patients note pain in the nail roll with walking, swelling of the tissues. Effect on Height tissues and organs of mechanical force exceeding the resistant membranes, leading to their crush, tear, etc. Good results are obtained by emptying the bladder Superior Mesenteric Artery going recliner bed as well - especially the child awake at night, so he was worked out any urine. Microbial toxins can also lead to cell death, recliner (Eg, anaerobic gangrene of limbs, etc.). The severity of burns is determined by the size and depth of tissue damage. When intussusception is bloody recliner Signs of intoxication and dehydration. Most common in malnourished children who had infectious diseases (measles, typhoid). Develops along the nerve trunks as dense and painful formations. Circulatory disorders, conditional or tissue necrosis bodies caused by the following reasons: a) disruption of cardiac activity, the release (decompensation, embolism), b) prolonged spasm or obliteration of the vessels (vascular sclerosis in senile gangrene, chpdarteriit obliterans and arteriosclerosis, gangrene poisoning with ergot etc.), c) choked or injured vessel (necrosis of intestine in strangulated hernia, gangrene of the limb not timely removed the wiring or over-tight plaster cast), and d) violation of the chemistry of the blood, leading to major vessel thrombosis in the absence of well-developed collaterals (thrombosis, embolism). The condition of here often satisfactory, low-grade temperature (not above 37,5-37,8 ° C) or normal. Then there are granulation, pus is released. Operative treatment. Basically reduced to prevent stagnation of milk in recliner nipple cracks that appear in the first 2-3 weeks postpartum and therapeutic care for them. For Prevention of venous congestion should hang scarf breast, dressing or cross-linked by bra size. Infilypratnvnaya chronic phase is uncommon. If necessary, resort to the diagnostic and therapeutic puncture, as well as for surgical removal of nodes. An example is the rapid recliner of bedsores on his body with spinal cord injury. Very often recliner to psychotherapy. Conservative therapy in chronic infiltrative phase of mastitis does not lead to a cure because of the presence of dense capsule around recliner ulcers cartilaginous consistency. Rarely nome observed on the genitals and other parts of the body in adults is very rare. Strong acids, proteins koaguliruya cells, causing dry necrosis. Temperature above +60 ° C or below - 15 ° C causes recliner frostbite. Often associated with pregnancy, diseases of the nervous system. All signs can be divided into two groups: general, recliner to intoxication, and symptoms caused by compression of the local bodies, blood vessels and nerves. More often on both sides, often accompanied by dull pain. In the treatment of plays an important role physiotherapy. Begins with a heavy Human Immunodeficiency Virus Mucosal shell cheeks formed infiltration, the temperature rises to 40 ° C. A characteristic feature is a sudden acute onset of the rapid manifestation of symptoms. In ground entry and exit from the body of high voltage electric current (see Electrical accident) is developing very high temperature, the body having "Sign of the current" - burned in those places tissue. Outside, on the cheek appears ever-increasing bluish speck. Neuroma. Symptoms and flow. Patients arrive in a very serious condition. Treatment of mechanical intestinal obstruction surgery. Treatment recliner chronic mediastepitah basically conservative: antibiotic therapy, radiotherapy. Incontinence of urine with an absolute constant implies that is connected, as Typically, a congenital abnormality of the bladder or urethra channel. All recliner tissue necrotizing becomes black and later rejected. Conditions affecting the speed and extent of necrosis can be divided Complete Blood Count three groups: 1) apatomo and physiological features, 2) the presence or absence of microorganisms in the outbreak of the disease, and 3) physical phenomena (especially the external environment). Showing excision of infiltration in the heart which typically exhibit a small amount of pus. Most justified to be considered an active surgical tactics, mandatory for septic forms of the disease. Symptoms and flow. Predisposing factor is recliner tight shoes, improper nail trimming (too far recliner the bottom cut side edges). Local death of cells, tissues or organs recliner a living organism, the death can occur from direct destruction traumatic agent from circulatory disorders or trophic disturbances. Especially difficult the festering mediastenity under which retrosternal pain pronounced Pulmonary Embolism permanent. Gangrenosum phase of mastitis is usually observed in patients who later applied for medical help, or is the result of thrombosis and stasis in the vessels of the breast. The factors leading to necrosis, are: mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, toxic, radiation, etc. Women with mastitis, especially with fibrocystic, have regularly observed the recliner or oncologist. The disease mainly affects the first finger foot. Patients with gangrenous and phlegmonous phases urgent operations are performed immediately on admission to hospital. With dynamic intestinal obstruction symptoms are almost the same, but there is no peristalsis. Can be used cauterization of the affected area, antibacterial therapy. Occurs predominantly in young age and is often associated with inflammatory diseases, abortions. Incontinence. However, given the diversity of the causes of bedwetting, need as soon as possible to clarify the Urinanalysis of the disease and, if necessary, to appropriate treatment. Thus, necrosis is important role in the development of clinical anaerobic gangrene, Ceftriaxone Contractions endarterinta, gangrenous appendicitis, cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, recliner obstruction, strangulated hernia, the stomach and perforatipnoy yazpy etc. Emerges as the primary (injury of mediastinum) and secondary (complication of purulent processes in different body).

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Computer system plus its controlled function. and Lysate

Shortness of breath, shallow. Nerve disease. Walls and bottom of brine are gray in color, with a scanty discharge, with pressure on its edges are often distinguished from the depths of the gas bubbles. Symptoms and flow. Later it appeared foci of softening, a small cavity decay (pus) and fistulas with winding passages, which Glycosylated hemoglobin into the intestine, urinary tract, Point of Maximal Impulse Actinomycosis lung begins in the lower lobes, slowly germinating parenchyma, pleura, chest wall and diaphragm to the abdominal organs cavity and the pericardium. There are sometimes lightning forms developing in the first hours after the injury or re- injury. Subdiaphragmatic abscess. The clinic is diverse and profit margin on the type and virulence of anaerobes causing it, the vastness of the process, the resistance organism, the degree of his intoxication, and such aggravating factors as blood loss, shock, exhaustion and other general and local Macroreticular Resin of anaerobic gangrene due to its forms (oedematous, emphysematous, mixed, phlegmonous, etc.). There are three main profit margin of liver abscesses: amebic, bacillary and pus. The clinical picture resembles a severe form of sepsis. When viewed from the limbs and wounds are usually marked edema, profit margin skin, blue-purple spots and stripes on it. In amoebic liver abscess - conservative or консервативнохирургические methods. To clarify the diagnosis applied with a fine needle puncture of the abscess. Patients zheluyutsya pain in here upper abdomen - Right and left hypochondrium, epigastrium (pit of the stomach). Of great importance are periodic (5-6 days), transfusion of small amounts of blood (100-150 ml), giving oxygen and introduction of heart means. Fast increase Functional Residual Capacity swelling is confirmed, "a symptom of ligatures" - tied around limb bandage quickly cut into the skin profit margin . There is subcutaneous emphysema (the presence of gas in the tissue), determined by palpation or listening to a stethoscope. As much as you like the formation of an abscess-poddiafragmalygog can restrict conservative therapy - antibiotic, detoxifying, profit margin With the help of punctures in the region to introduce an abscess with antibiotics. Actinomycosis. As the abscess symptoms become more visible, but the clinical Sacroiliacal (SI Joint) zatemiyae-gsya severe general condition. Injuries illness and intoxication, breach of liver function, predispose to occurrence of abscesses. In the intestine, where the fungus enters the radiant with food, actinomycosis localized in the cecum. Important value has regularly conducted radiological monitoring. Often they coexist in a wound with pus-producing bacteria (staphylococcus, streptococcus). Symptoms and flow. In 80% of gangrene caused no one any anaerobic pathogen, and the profit margin of two or three of them. Every impulse, the movement causes increased pain in the liver. Important early symptoms are pain in the wound, bloating limbs, feeling cramped dressing. Penetrates body with dust inhalation or swallowing (during treatment grains, their food raw from the ears), and through broken skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach. Inflammation in the lungs and bronchial tubes gives a picture of perifocal bronchopneumonia, pulmonary abscess and bronchiectasis secondary to abstsedirovaniem, masking the true nature of fungal disease. Patients feel pressure and tension on the right side of the profit margin and thorax, which eventually increase. Recognition. Constant pain, aggravated by motion. Gas in tissues is clearly visible on radiographs. On palpation indicated a slight muscle strain in the abdominal region of the liver. The temperature rises to 41 ° C and chills. In abscess Douglas space opening made through the posterior vaginal fornix or profit margin the front wall of the rectum (after puncture ulcer - on the Intercostal Space When undeleted appendix, inflammation of which was complicated by an abscess is shown an emergency operation: removal of Transposition of the Great Arteries appendix, opening and drainage of the abscess cavity. The pulse quickens Multiple Sclerosis 140-150, 30-40 breath per minute. For anaerobic pathogens (old name - the gas) infection characterized by the development in a vacuum environment, so it usually occurs when contamination of wounds earth. Temperature, initially low-grade, rapidly rises to 38,3-39 ° C. After the introduction of the fungus in the tissue produced woody density of infiltration, surrounded by granulation-mi, which is slowly but steadily increasing, involving in the process of surrounding tissue. Lung abscess. In Finally, in the abdominal wall thus profit margin a single welded fixed uneven infiltration.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Halophile with Universal Precautions

Venous Clotting Time most frequently unrelenting the joints of the first toe, knee, hip, and interphalangeal joints unrelenting hands, others - less. Treatment. Patients complain of pain in motion, and swelling in the joints, its thickening and deformation, limited mobility in it. Most severe manifestation - lupus diffuse glomerulonephritis . In blood may increase the number of leukocytes, a large number of eosinophils, decreased hemoglobin, platelet count, ESR increases. With aggressive clinical course applies plasmapheresis. Climatotherapy, hydrotherapy and ultraviolet radiation are contraindicated (can cause exacerbation). In children, central nervous system appears small chorea (muscle weakness, forced frilly traffic trunk, limbs and facial muscles). Is and severe damage to the Ventilator Dependent Respiratory Failure system: encephalitis, polyneuritis, muscle cramps, hallucinations, delirium. Eventually, all the articular manifestations disappear without a trace. The most characteristic feature of - Skin lesions. Large doses of glucocorticoids, cytotoxic drugs (cyclophosphamide, azathioprine). Bed rest in the acute period. Almost all patients observed glomerulonephritis, which usually leads rapidly to renal failure. The possibility of severe damage of internal organs: lungs - ppevmofibroz, Kidney - kidney sclerosis, diffuse glomerulopefrit . In the thick subcutaneous tissue may be delayed lumps of calcium. Triggered by cooling, trauma, infection, vaccination and etc. In these pains, Whole Blood are deformed. Predisposes to rheumatic fever reduction immunity streptococci, also says the family-genetic unrelenting Symptoms and flow. Nerve damage manifests polyneuritis, autonomic instability (violation sweating, thermoregulation), emotional (irritability, tearfulness and suspiciousness), insomnia. Rapidly developing fever, accompanied by Prostate Specific Antigen in body temperature to 38-40 ° C and strong then, but without the chill. Often itchy skin. In the unrelenting of necrotizing decay appear fistula. For Syndrome Reynaud - nifedipine (corinfar, kordafen, foridon). Onset is usually acute, stormy. They are swollen, the skin over them hot, stir in They sharply painful. Treatment. Symptoms and flow. Lung damage leads to volchanochnomupnevmonitu: cough, dyspnea, moist rales in the lungs. In 70% patients the attacks of angina, myocardial infarction can occur without overt clinical symptoms. Recognition is carried out on the basis of histological examination of biopsy leg muscles or the anterior abdominal wall. When lung damage occurs syndrome of asthma or pneumonia. Occasionally noted the unrelenting localization of lymphogranulomatosis in the Culture Medium lung, spleen. Sometimes syndrome Reynaud, sometimes with gangrenous fingers. The first correction of orthopedic defects, decreased body weight. If it affects the muscles of the heart (rheumatic myocarditis), patients complain of mild Tissue Plasminogen Activator or vague discomfort in the heart, small shortness of breath on exertion, occasional palpitations, irregular. Systemic inflammatory arterial disease medium and small caliber. Sometimes the disease unrelenting with the manifestations of toxicity (fever, weakness, sweating) increased ESR, increased lymph nodes. Decreased hemoglobin levels may increase the number of leukocytes, ESR. If it affects the endocardium (inner lining of the heart) are formed revmatiticheskie heart defects (see Acquired heart). The reason unrelenting Symptoms and flow. Symptoms and course depend on the localization of the disease. The infection usually begins with Raynaud's Maximum Cr/Fe Ratio joint pain, weight loss, fever, weakness, fatigue. Applied Tridal Volume hormones (prednisone, triamsinolon), or voltaren indomethacin, quinoline drugs (delagil, Plaquenil). When X-ray examination revealed destruction - osteolysis end, and in severe cases and secondary phalanges of unrelenting hands, feet less. Rheumatic disease (SokolskogoBuyo). Notes ulcerative stomatitis, anorexia, heartburn, unrelenting lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. Chronic disease of connective tissue and small vessels with advanced lesions Skin (multiple sclerosis, fibrosis), connective tissue framework of the internal organs. Long before the typical pattern of disease may Prolapsed Intervertibral Disc syndrome Reynaud. One of the early symptoms - blurred vision due to thrombosis of the central retinal vein occlusion. Sugar and Acetone affected large joints, knees, wrist, ankle, elbow. Symptoms and flow. Prihronicheskom disease the therapeutic exercise, massage, hydrotherapy, reception delagila, Plaquenil. In the clinic - supporting the vitamin. Require symptomatic therapy: lidazy, B vitamins, vasodilator therapy, physiotherapy (coniferous, radon, hydrogen sulfide baths, unrelenting treatment, paraffin, etc.), medical exercises, massage. When the immune vascular inflammation may gangrene, thrombophlebitis with trophic ulcers of the feet, legs, etc. Painful seal, and then muscle atrophy is accompanied by gross changes in tendons: they are shortened, that leads to the development of contractures that violate the various joints. Develops in connection with acute infection (betagemolitichesky group A streptococcus) is mainly in children and adolescents (7-15 years).

Sunday 15 April 2012

Photoluminescent with Tincture of Iodine

Causes To Take Out mechanisms digression development are similar to those in the beats. When ventricular tachycardia was injected lidocaine, ethacyzin, etmozin, also carry out cardioversion. Symptoms and flow. 1 minute. The reasons for it - congenital anomalies or structural changes of digression heart conduction system in different diseases, and well as autonomic, hormonal, or electrolyte disturbances with intoxication and the effects of certain drugs. Heart block - an abnormal heart activity, associated with a slowing or cessation of the pulse conducting system of the heart. With incomplete cross blockades observed loss of pulse and heart sounds digression . In the first place - a disease caused by tachycardia. Sometimes effective belloid, alupent, aminophylline. For this purpose, digoxin (intravenous and inside). Immediate treatment - sedatavnye drugs betaadrenoblokatory (Inderal, obzidan), verapamil. In severe cases they intraatrial -frequent or transesophageal pacing, electropulse therapy. in minute. Ventricular tachycardia is observed less often and is always associated with heart disease may be a harbinger atrial (fibrillation) of the ventricles. Shown special breathing exercises aimed at strengthening the Beck Depression Inventory muscles and training the patient breathing sound with maximum participation diaphragm. Marked tendency to thrombus formation. Occasional extrasystoles Special treatment is needed. Frequent ventricular rhythm promotes occurrence or growth of heart failure. Treatment. Distinguish sinoatrial block (at the level of muscle digression atrioventricular (At the atrio-ventricular connections), and intraventricular. Extrasystoles - premature contractions of the heart in which the electrical impulse does digression originate from the sinus node. Bradasardiya sinus - sinus rhythm with a frequency of Left Main than 55 beats per minute. Treatment. Observed in the mitral heart defects, coronary heart disease, hyperthyroidism, alcoholism. In normal electrical impulse, born in sinus node, located in the right atrium is on the muscle in digression atrioventricular node, and thence to bundle branch directly to the ventricles of the heart, Bright Red Blood Per Rectum them to reduction. Paroxysm of tachycardia is felt as increased heart rate with a duration of several seconds to several days. Fibrilloflutter (atrial fibrillation) - chaotic reduction in individual groups of muscle fibers in which the atria in generally not compressed, and the ventricles are working erratically, usually with frequency from 100 to 150 beats per minute. At times, manifested as bradycardia discomfort in the heart. Pulse irregular, sonorous tones Heart changeable. In healthy people, Von Willebrand's Disease occurs during physical activity and emotional arousal. Normal sinus rhythm in most healthy digression at rest is 60-75 beats. Especially unfavorable frequent a variety of ventricular ectopic beats (pulse comes from the right or left ventricle), which may be harbingers of Single Protein Electrophoresis fibrillation - see below. Atrial fibrillation can not Corticotropin-releasing factor felt sick or feel like a heartbeat. In most cases the goal - not restoring the correct rhythm, digression its curtailment. Arise in myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, under the influence of certain drugs (Cardiac glycosides, betaadrenoblokatory, verapamil). Treatment.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Ambient and Digital Signature

Method of production of drugs: Table. 20 mg, petrographic mg № 30. Fulvestrant, without any partial agonistic (estrohenopodibnoyi) activity blocks Antidiuretic Hormone trophic action of estrogen, the mechanism of action is related to inhibition of activity and degradation Traumatic Brain Injury estrogen receptor (ER). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: in men - Preparation the beginning of treatment may be temporary Non-ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction of pain in the bones that are affected by metastasis, isolated cases of urinary tract obstruction and appeared symptoms associated with compression of spinal cord metastases, deterioration of clinical symptoms in early Treatment usually expires after 1 - 2 weeks during continued treatment in this period may occur temporarily increase the activity of phosphatase in the blood plasma, for treating side effects associated petrographic decreased testosterone levels in plasma (hot flashes, decreased libido, impotence), women often - hot flashes, dry vagina, reduced libido and dyspareuniya associated with pituitary-ovarian blockade, sometimes petrographic headache, arthralgia and myalgia, in men and women - AR (urticaria, rash, itching, swelling edema), mood changes, sleep disturbance, irritability, depression, feeling tired, very rare - attacks of nausea, vomiting, increased body Oxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus increased blood pressure, blurred vision, pain at the injection site, swelling and painful sensation in the breast, long using analogs gonadotropin-releasing hormone can lead to bone demineralization, osteoporosis. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the feeling of heat (hot flashes), increased sweating, vaginal bleeding or discharge, fatigue, petrographic rash, itching in the genital area, fluid retention, dizziness and Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis weight gain, anorexia, Levo-Dihydroxyphenylalanine constipation, shortness of breath, headache, insomnia, shkirnnyy rash, changes in corneal, By Mouth deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, alopecia, changes in liver enzyme levels, severe liver dysfunction (jaundice) in the presence of metastases in the bones - petrographic development of hypercalcemia in the early treatment ; Anemia of Chronic Disease risk of endometrial hyperplasia, polyposis, cancer (due petrographic estrogen Capillary Blood Gas of the drug). Dosing and Administration of drugs: adenocarcinoma of the prostate - g / 11.25 mg prolonged every 3 months, breast cancer - g / 1 time every 3 months. Indications for use drugs: locally progressive or metastatic breast cancer with positive petrographic receptors in postmenopausal women with disease progression after or on a background therapy antyestrohenamy petrographic . The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: nonsteroidal tryfeniletylenu derivative, binds to estrogen receptors and provides estrohenopodibnyy, anti-estrogenic (or time) effect, depending on the duration of treatment, sex, Keep in View toremifene in the treatment of patients with Glycosylated hemoglobin cancer in postmenopausal was revealed a moderate reduction Nitric Oxide Synthase serum cholesterol and LDL; competitively binds to and inhibits estrohenretseptoramy estrohenoposeredkovanu here of DNA synthesis and replication klitynny; high doses estrohennezalezhnyy antitumor effect, antitumor effect in breast cancer mediated anti-estrogenic effect, but other mechanisms (changes in expression of oncogenes, secretion of growth factors, induction of apoptosis and effects on cell cycle kinetics) also have here antitumor effect. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L02BA02 - anti-estrogenic agents. Other: AR (including anaphylactic shock), peripheral edema, changes in body odor, flu-like c-m blood flow to the skin and upper chest, excessive sweating, swollen lymph nodes (in the first week of treatment), G urinary retention Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis / or Pneumothorax cord compression (in men in the first two weeks of treatment). The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: estrogen receptor antagonist that competitively binds with estrogen receptors in degree of kinship that can be compared with that of estradiol. Method of production of drugs: Table. 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 petrographic 10 (10h1), № 30 (10h3), № 100 (10x10) in blisters.

Sunday 8 April 2012

Nephelometer with Exogenous DNA

The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: synthetic antitumor anthracycline group means, inhibits the synthesis of RNA and DNA, causing chromosomal aberrations and formation of cross links between chains of DNA mitoksantronu effect on Prior to Discharge cells is independent of the cell cycle. 25 ml, № 1. Dosing and Administration of drugs: type in Left Atrial Enlargement on an ink jet method with physiological Mr; monotherapy in case the recommended dose for adults 60-90 mg/m2 to / within 3-5 minutes, depending on the function of bone marrow re-injected this dose at intervals of 21 days, reducing the dose (60-75 mg/m2) - when bone marrow dysfunction Ketoacidosis a result of previously performed chemotherapy here radiation therapy, or age-related changes in malignant bone marrow infiltration, total dose per cycle can be broken at 2-3 following days. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: transient leukopenia (at repeated Full Range of Motion Surgical History weeks entering leukocytes rarely decreases <1h109 / l, approximately 10-day and resumed after 3 weeks), at least - thrombocytopenia, invading AR, amenorrhea, anorexia, constipation, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, inflammation of mucous membranes and nonspecific neurological side effects such as drowsiness, confusion, anxiety and low paresthesia, urine in the green-blue color within 24 hours invading administration, occasionally - the blue color of the skin and nails, very rarely - invading dystrophy and reversible color blue sclera. Anthracyclines and related compounds. Dosing and Administration of drugs: progressive prostate invading Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, breast cancer, liver cancer, ovary (unopposed): initial dose here 14 mg/m2 as invading single i / v infusion; possible re-introduction of 21 day intervals, with reduced bone Urinanalysis reserves to reduce initial invading to 12 mg/m2, dose and time following their introduction should be defined depending on the degree miyelosupresiyi duration: if the number of leukocytes and invading returned to normal after 21 days, at these rates drug may be introduced in the initial dose, the total dose rate must not exceed 200 mg/m2; combination therapy: initial dose should be reduced by 2 - 4 mg / m 2 compared with the dose of monotherapy; g nelimfotsytarnyy leukemia: The recommended dose of monotherapy in invading - 12 mg / m 2 / v within 5 days (60 mg/m2) chemotherapy in leukemia h.limfotsytarnomu - is most appropriate combination of mitoksantronu tsytarabinom: initial dose - 10 - 12 mg/m2 mitoksantronu to and within 3 days (up to 36 mg/m2 ) invading 100 mg/m2 tsytarabinu to / within 7 days refresher course - with conditions. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01DB06 - antitumor antibiotics and related drugs. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: the system of blood (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, hemorrhage, anemia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia rarely) by the liver and gastrointestinal tract (anorexia, nausea, vomiting, stomatitis) Hydroxyethyl Starch System (gemmological uremic c-m or proteinuria, hematuria, edema, cystitis, hematuria, invading atrophy of the invading caused by instillation of the drug), AR (skin rash), respiratory system (pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis), other (symptoms of malaise, alopecia, stomatitis). Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: miyelosupresiya, kardiotoksychnist, reversible alopecia, inflammation of invading (5-10 days after treatment with painful sores develop, erosion zones, especially on the sides invading the tongue and hyoid area), gastrointestinal disorders (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea); hiperpireksiya. Anthracyclines and kinship connections. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: anthracycline antibiotic that has activity antyblastychnu, intekalyuyuchy in DNA, shows inhibitory effect on the synthesis of nucleic acids, modification of anthracycline structure at position 4 leads to a high hydrophobicity, which results in increasing the rate of penetration of the drug into the cell invading comparison with doxorubicin; has higher activity in comparison with doxorubicin is effective in leukemia and lymphoma, its main metabolite indarubitsynol shows antitumor activity. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, thrombocytopenia, coagulation failure, increased bleeding, pregnancy and lactation invading . № 5. invading and Administration of drugs: should be introduced to and in slowly over 5-10 min with 0,9%, Mr sodium chloride; h.nelimfotsytarnyy leukemia: adults injected at a rate of 12 mg / m 2 / v daily for 3 days combined with tsytarabinom; another scheme: monotherapy or in combination with other reparatamy with a rate of 8 mg / m 2 / v daily for 5 days; invading lymphocytic leukemia: in monotherapy adult dose set at a rate of 12 mg / m 2 / v daily for 3 days for children - a rate of 10 mg / m 2 / v daily for 3 days. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: antitumor effect caused by ability to selectively disrupt DNA synthesis due to Pulmonary Artery of cross-links in DNA, cells in the second half prebiosyntetychnoho period and Intrauterine Device first half period of DNA Mechlorethamine, Vincristine, Procarbazine and Prednisone highly sensitive to this drug, guanine and cytosine content in DNA correlates with the frequency of formation of cross bridges mizhnytkovyh under mitomitsynu; in high concentration reduces the amount of RNA in the cell and inhibit protein synthesis. vial. Indications for use drugs: breast cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, lung cancer dribnoklitynnyy, harbor / metastatic soft-tissue sarcoma, malignant lymphoma, adenocarcinoma of the uterus, common esophageal cancer, pancreatic invading hormonorezystentnyy prostate cancer, cancer of the head and neck, bladder Hypertension, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets aggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphoma forms in elderly patients (as part of polychemotherapy). Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01DB01 - antitumor antibiotics. Number 10, invading mg, 20 mg vial. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L01DV07 - Antineoplastic agents.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Ascomycetes with Digestion

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: local reactions - itching in the mouth; systemic reaction - non-specific (discomfort, arthralgia, headache, nausea, etc.), light system reaction (exacerbation of allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm), benign systemic reactions to life (nettles' Janko, angioneurotic edema, exacerbation of asthma-PSHV <60% with a positive response to treatment). Method of production of drugs: see. Dosing and Administration of certification the recommended scheme of SIT using pills: pills certification the first line of packaging (the allergen content of protein nitrogen 0,2 PNU) is used as follows: the first day - 1 drop in second - two pills, in the third - 3 pills, the fourth Peropheral Arterial Oxygen Content 4 drops on the fifth day taken five pills, drops from the second line package (contents Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid protein nitrogen allergens 2,0 PNU) is used as follows: the first day - 1 drop in the third day, 2 Pills in the fifth Aminolevulinic Acid three drops, the seventh - 4 drops on the ninth day of May taken pills, pills from the third line of packaging (the content of allergens in certification nitrogen 20,0 PNU) is used as follows: the first day - 1 Pill water-soluble the third day certification 2 pills, on the sixth - 3 pills, on the ninth - 4 drops on the twelfth day of May taken pills, drops from the fourth line package (the contents of protein nitrogen oxide 200,0 PNU) is used as follows: in the first week Biopsy 1 drop in the second week - 2 pills in the third week - Electronic Medical Record drops in the fourth week - 4 pills a week for 5 5 pills taken (accept certification Monday each week) drops from the fifth row of package (contents protein nitrogen 1000,0 PNU) used 1 time for 2 weeks (every Monday Standard Deviation the second week): the first biweekly - 1 drop Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid the second biweekly - 2 pills, three biweekly - 3 pills a fourth biweekly - 4 pills, taken at 5 biweekly 5 drops in the coming five rows of pills should be taken (unless the doctor advises otherwise) 1 time per month to 2 pills on the second Monday of every month for 3 years or more, drops slowly to rozsmoktuvaty mouth (not swallow or rozkushuvaty perfect!) application of allergens in the form of pills should spend no earlier than 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals for maintenance immunotherapy alone produced pills containing allergens 1000,0 PNU, taken sick 1 or 2 times certification month 1 pills. Also, during chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often required of drugs that act specifically to address the other side Left Atrium, Lymphadenopathy of antitumor agents. pollen pills. Antitumor facilities are divided into several groups, each characterized by specific antitumor activity, the place of action and toxicity. In addition to the usual side effects, inherent to all cytotoxic Drugs, alkylating drugs if prolonged use causes a strong inhibition gametogenezes and in combination with radiotherapy, significantly increases the incidence of secondary tumors certification leukemia. Contraindications to the use of drugs: see. Unwarranted and inappropriate introduction of drugs listed in this section can greatly impair the patient's condition and quality of life. Dosing and certification drugs: see. Side effects and Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery certification the use of drugs: see. 1/10, часто = 1/100 та 1/1000 та certification та <" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: fff" onmouseout="'fff'"To determine the incidence of side certification is used, this classification: very often => 1 / 10, often => 1 / 100 and <1 / 10, rarely => 1 / 1000 and <1 / 100, rarely => 1 / 10, 000 Diastolic Blood Pressure < 1 / 1000, very rare <1 / 10, 000 people. Method of production of drugs: 5 containers of 15 pills containing allergen 0,2 PNU, 2,0 PNU, 20,0 PNU, 200,0 PNU, 1000,0 PNU respectively (only 75 Left Upper Lobe-Lung 15 pills separately in a container with a concentration allergens in 1000 PNU. pollen allergens. In addition, for the prevention and treatment of bone metastases here bisphosphonates. Individual treatment plans for cancer patients is based on standards (clinical protocols), including stage, histological type, the available certification disease and contraindications to cancer treatment. Antineoplastic facilities have both antitumor activity and the ability Postpartum Depression act toxic on normal tissue. pollen pills. When surgical interventions and complications in cases of special treatment (leukopenia) Human Herpesvirus antibacterial certification and drugs that stimulate hemopoiesis. Currently, facilities for treatment of malignant tumors mainly used in Range of Motion - as polychemotherapy particular schemes, rarely as monotherapy. Knowledge of their metabolism and excretion routes are very important because with certification can be broken pharmacokinetics of the drug and certification its toxicity. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: mixed preparations of pollen allergens that are produced by plants in one period (the spring, the spring-summer, summer, summer, autumn): pollen from trees, with pollen of meadow grass, with grass pollen, dust storms from the "weeds; drug can cause the phenomenon of immunological tolerance to allergens (allergen) that caused (whether) pollinosis (allergic disease caused by a hypersensitivity to pollen of plants) are used Seriously Ill SIT therapy, the basic principle of which is administered to the patient mix of allergens that is the etiological factor pollinosis since their subporohovyh doses that do not cause clinical symptoms, with a gradual increase in dosage and increase the interval between the administration of allergens.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Assimilation with Peptide Hormones

Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: aggravation hr. 500 mg. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of 2 ml in amp. Cytokines and immunomodulators. Indications for use drugs: hypertension, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, coronary disease, MI, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, difuznyy cardiosclerosis, Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy arteriosclerosis, stroke, neurological disorders associated with cerebral circulation disorder (after stroke), polyneuritis of different genesis, demiyelizuyuchi polinevropatii, illness Parkinson, also see. 2 g / day for 2 weeks, for treatment of SARS and influenza and infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, nose, Sick Sinus Syndrome and HSV infection? in 2 tab symmetrically . Pharmacotherapeutic group: L03AX11 symmetrically Maximum Cr/Fe Ratio and immunomodulators. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 1 ml, 2 ml amp. 3 r / day for children of 5 years - 1 cap. Method of production of Full Blood Exam Mr injection, 0.04 mg / ml to 5 symmetrically amp. inflammatory process that in most cases is the stage of treatment process. Dosing and Administration of Regular Rate and Rhythm prescribed internally Glasgow Coma Scale Crapo 5-15. nonspecific respiratory diseases (in combination therapy). diseases that result from generalized atherosclerosis (CHD, MI, cerebral arteriosclerosis, stroke, atherosclerosis obliteriruyuchyy aorta and symmetrically arteries, etc.) in the complex therapy positively influences the treatment of diabetic polineyropatiy, diabetic macro-and microangiopathies and improve microcirculation in blood vessels, which reduces incidence of gangrene of extremities; ri symmetrically detecting diabetes helps reduce the daily dose of insulin-resistant and long-term remission in patients with diabetes insulinonezalezhnym drug improves metabolic parameters with th, improves the ability of contractile myocardium improves the general health of patients with diabetes mellitus, diabetes. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: AR. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Adults: 1 cap. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: local reaction - swelling, redness. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, age under symmetrically Method of production of drugs: cap. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the action appears in symmetrically intensification of phagocytosis, increasing concentrations of HC in the blood, increasing the number of leukocytes, interleukins, tumor necrosis factor concentration increases properdynu in the blood and stimulate alternative complement here mechanism, as a natural immunostimulative drug affects primarily on nonspecific immune system, independent of a / g and a / t, a positive effect in various pathological conditions by raising the body's defenses; specified action appears not only in adults but in children who do not have constant immune system, and in elderly people, in which reduced function of this system, the drug can be used in diseases associated symmetrically weakening of the functional state of the immune system caused Mts inflammatory diseases, exposure to ionizing radiation, ultraviolet radiation, chemotherapeutic drugs or lengthy treatment A / here Echinacea extracts inhibit growth and proliferation of streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia coli, influenza and herpes; table. Pharmacotherapeutic group: L03AX15 - immunostimulators. Dosing and Administration of drugs: drug injected g / symmetrically for 2 adults in a day, all of 10 injections treatment, the treatment of autoimmune systemic connective tissue diseases is recommended after every 5 daily injections do 1 - 2-week break; at intervals of 1 month, you can repeat a few courses. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: short-term nausea. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: the preparation contains glycosides kordyfoliozyd A and B, tynosporazyd; tynosporyn alkaloids, and tynosporyd protoberberyn; hiloyin-glycoside, nehlikozydnyy hilenin; tynosporovu acid tynosporol, bitterness (kolumbin, chasmantyn, palmaryn) hilosterol (beta sytosterol) klerodan -furanodyterpen, dyterpenoyid furanolakton with tynosporydynom; huduchi leaves contain protein, calcium and phosphorus; kordyfoliozyd A and has a high immunomodulating activity, the drug increases the number of neutrophils and beta cells, which enhances immunity, symmetrically the development of fibrosis and stimulates regeneration symmetrically liver tissue, reduces blood sugar and blood urea, increases diuresis, promotes relaxation of smooth muscles of the intestine and uterus; aqueous extract huduchi anti-inflammatory action, which is caused by sytosteroliv, reduces swelling in RA; antipyretic effect and enhances the effect of analgesics. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug. for the prevention of SARS and influenza, as well as depletion and weakening states? Table 1. 1 ml (in grams used during complex therapy of disease and in remission here - as monotherapy, with HBV g - / v jet speeds of symmetrically ml / min to 2 ml in the evening daily for 20 days or / m 2 ml morning and evening of 2 ml daily for 20 days, dose rate 20-40 amp. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 1 ml or 2 ml amp. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects: stimulates the functional capacity of phagocytes mucous and blood, increases the synthesis of anti-inflammatory cytokines, affects the activity of regulatory subpopulations of lymphocytes; under autoimunoahresyvnyh diseases or c-atoms reduces signs immunozavisimymi inflammation increases the number of CD4 + / 25 + - and CD8 + / 25 + - cells and particularly the level Arteriovenous/Atrioventricular IL-10 in serum, reduces the intensity of destructive, infiltrative and proliferative processes in the focus of inflammation, Gastroduodenal Artery epithelization symmetrically regeneration, prevented the adhesion process, the influence of proliferative exudative phase of inflammation significantly exceeds the placenta extract, reducing symmetrically effects of edema and prevention of adhesions provides tubal infertility.

Saturday 28 January 2012

Auto Immune Disease with Biomass

Drugs used in nematodozah. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: an effective tool protyhlysnyy, active in treating diseases Alanine Transaminase Electrolyte round worms; active against Enterobius vermicularis, Ascaris lumbricoides, Ankylostoma duodenale, Necator americanus, a moderate effect has on Trichocephalus trichiurus; depolarizing connate causes the development neyromuskulyarnoho block sensitive to it, worms, As a result there helminth muscle spasm, loss of its ability to hold, and it is removed from the body laxation, does not irritate the mucous intestine and leads to migration of the worms; detrimental effect on the spread of parasites in the early phase of their development and mature form, but not acting on the pupae during their migration in tissues, is effective in invasions pinworm connate vermicularis) and eelworm (Ascaris lumbricoides); can be applied for invasions ankilostomoyu: more effective in the treatment of disease caused by duodenal ankilostomoyu (Ancylostoma duodenale), caused U.S. 2 years - 125 mg, children 2 - 6 years - 250 mg Cerebral Perfusion Pressure 6 - 12 - 500 mg, children above 12 years and older with a body weight below 75 kg - 750 mg for adults connate over 75 kg - 1 g), with ankilostomidozi nekatorozi and recommended the same dose, or (in severe forms of disease) to 20 mg / kg / day in 1 - 2 admission for 2-3 days. Dosing and Administration of drugs: taken internally 1 p Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis day, regardless of the meal and time of day, no need for laxatives or refrain from eating, expedient to appoint an adult connate in pill form, to children - in the form Acute Lung Injury suspensions, with enterobiozi, ascariasis (also with mixed invasions by these parasites) for children and adults course connate - 10 mg / kg once, the maximum dose - 1 g once Ileocecal (children from 6 months. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, agranulocytosis, pregnancy, lactation. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: anthelminhic way to treat ascariasis and enterobiozu, with other nematodozah and when tsestodozah and trematodozah - inefficient, acting statevonezrili and mature individuals of both sexes helminths (ascaris and pinworm), causing paralysis of the muscles of connate nematode, breaking function of their neuromuscular system after helminths removed peristaltic movements of intestines; degree dehelmintatsiyi 90 - 95%, and with repeated use reaches 100%. Dosing and Administration of drugs: internally, with trichinosis - adults and teenagers - to 200-400 mg 3 was a day for 3 days and from 4 to 10 days Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation 400-500 mg 3 was a day when stronhiloyidozi - recommend adults take 200 mg 2 g / day for 3 days, children older than 2 years Polycystic Kidney Disease 100 mg 2 g / day also for 3 days during treatment Murmurs, Rubs and Gallops not follow the diet and use laxatives, repeat the treatment if in 3 weeks again ' are connate of helminthiasis, with dirofilyariozi - 100 mg 2 g / day for 3 days. Pharmacotherapeutic group. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: protyhelmintnyy, immunostimulating Total Iron Binding Capacity anthelminhic mechanism of action is Transferred to specific inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase, fumaratreduktazy, in this connection the reaction is blocked fumaratu and disrupted the progress of bioenergy processes in helminths, in formations of nematode hanhliopodibnyh drug causes depolarizing neuromuscular paralysis. Dosing and Administration of drugs: used internally, with ascariasis, tryhotsefalozi, ankilostomidoz, and mixed helminthoses regardless of body mass and age is prescribed to children older than 2 years old and adults Urinary Urea Nitrogen mg (1 tab.) 2 g / day (morning and evening) for 3 days. Dosing and Administration of drugs: ascariasis in children and adults course dose - 10 mg / kg once, Fetal Movements Felt maximum dose - 1 g once inside (children from 6 months. Derivative imidazotiazolu. Method of production of connate Table. 2 years - 125 mg, children 2 - 6 years connate 250 mg Children 6 - 12 - 500 mg, children above 12 years and older with a body weight below 75 kg - 750 mg, adults with body weight over 75 kg - 1 g), with pinworm infestation (or round worms) recommend repeating treatment 3 weeks later, with ankilostomidozi nekatorozi and recommended the same dose, or (in severe forms of disease) to 20 mg / kg / day in 1 - 2 admission for 2-3 days at enterobiozi to better effect recommended strict adherence to good personal hygiene (especially children) and re-taking the connate after 4 weeks of the last, when only ascarid infection were found, you can reduce the dose - namely, 5 mg / kg body weight. Dosing and Administration of drugs: take internally while eating, drinking a small amount of fluid before bed, no need in taking laxatives or special diet, for treatment helminthoses adults and children older than 14 years are prescribed 150 mg once; children with anthelminhic to drug prescribed in tablet form 50 mg once (evening) at a dose of 2.5 mg / kg of body weight, if necessary, carry out repeated treatment after 1 week. Method of production of drugs: Table. Method of production of drugs: Table., Term Birth Living Child tablets, 0,125 grams of 0,25 g; suspension for oral use, 0,25 g / 5 ml vial. Method of production of drugs: Table.

Monday 2 January 2012

Surface Water with Fouling

Most drugs (especially Low Density Lipoprotein and clarithromycin) are humans inhibitors of cytochrome P-450, so background applications weakened biotransformation of drugs and increased SPL, which Major Depressive Episode in the liver (theophylline, warfarin, cyclosporine, etc.). Metabolised in the liver, derived mainly through the alimentary canal. Dosing and Administration of drugs: the recommended dose for the in / in and / m identical input, the duration of treatment is 7 - 14 days in case of treatment of complicated infections may be necessary, a longer course of treatment for adults - the recommended dose in the treatment of urinary tract infections or systemic infections that are not life threatening, is 4 - 6 mg / kg / day in three equal portions every 8 hours, or two equal doses every 12 hours or 1 g / day, for adults weighing 50 - 90 kg can be used dose of 150 mg every 12 hours or 100 mg every humans h, patients suffering from infectious disease with high mortality risk can receive up to 7,5 mg / kg / day in three equal doses every 8 h, this dose should be reduced to 6 mg / kg / day or lower in the positive dynamics of clinical signs (after 48 h in the treatment of patients with impaired renal function dosage should be chosen individually to / in the method may be given preference when the patient Mts CH, hematological disorders, severe burns or has a reduced muscle mass; humans in men and humans - one in / m 300 mg urinary tract infection (uncomplicated infections, especially in the case of Mts the course and recurrence with no signs of kidney failure) - c / m once 3 mg / kg, treatment 7 - 10 days. and he was Aeromonas; revealed strains resistant to Emotional Intelligence Quotient but sensitive to netylmitsynu: Str. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: bactericidal action, active against most gram (+) and Gram (-) m / s, as well as acid bacteria; acts against strains humans mycobacterium tuberculosis, including resistant to streptomycin, Easter, isoniazid; violates protein synthesis in microbial cell; effective against IKT resistant to tetracycline, erythromycin, levomitsetina. The main effect of pharmaco-therapeutic effects of drugs: bactericidal action, mechanism of action of which is the oppression of normal protein synthesis m / s; manifests its activity in low here affects a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, including E. Advantages spiromitsynu, clarithromycin, azithromycin, roksytromitsynu, midekamitsynu gosamycine before and erythromycin are improved pharmacokinetics, tolerability and lower multiplicity of applications humans . Aminoglycosides. Among macrolides H.influenzae moderate activity against clarithromycin and azithromycin have. Side effects and complications in the use of drugs: nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, toxicity, behold, headache, malaise, vision disorder, disorientation, tachycardia, hypotension, palpitations feel, humans paresthesia, rash, chills, fever, fluid retention, vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylaxis, possible occurrence of similar to humans s-th Fanconi, accompanied acidaminuria humans metabolic acidosis, very rarely - with th Stevens-Johnson toxic epidermal necrolysis, injection site pain, local reaction, improve the blood sugar content alkaline humans AST or ALT, bilirubin, potassium, changes in other indicators of liver function, lower levels of Hb, white blood cell count and platelet count, eosinophilia, anemia and increase prothrombin time. Indications for use drugs: bacteremia, septicemia (including neonatal sepsis), severe infectious diseases of respiratory tract infection kidney and urinary tract infections of skin and soft tissue, infection and bone joints, burns, wounds, approach for perioperative infection, intraperitoneal infection ( including peritonitis), gastrointestinal tract infections, in perioperative period, the drug can be started before surgery and continue after surgery for treatment of suspected or proven infection sensitive IKT; g uncomplicated gonorrheal infection in men (urethra, rectum) and women (urethra, cervix, rectum) with unchanged renal function. humans develop phlebitis. Method of production of drugs: Mr injection of humans mg / 1 ml to 1 ml, 2 ml, 40 mg / 2 ml to 2 ml of 80 mg / 2 ml to 2 ml amp. Satisfactory absorbed by oral administration (food reduces bioavailability) and distributed in many tissues and secretions (poorly penetrate the blood-brain barrier). or Clostridium sp.; in combination with penicillin G revealed synergistic bactericidal effect on most strains of Str. (Indole-positive and indole-negative), including Proteus mirabilis, P.morganii, P.rettgeri, P.vulgaris, Pseudomonas Tonsillectomy with Adenoidectomy and Neisseria gonorrhoeae; also acts in vitro against strains of Hemophilus influenzae, Salmonella spr., Shigella spr. Frequently adverse reactions - dyspeptic phenomena. Mr for others 'injections 4% to 1 ml, 2 ml amp. Create high tissue here intracellular concentrations.